Our Mission is to Enrich teachers in extremely low-income schools to improve their quality of life and motivate them to innovate successfully in others’ lives. Our current school that we have started with is Divine Care Primary School in the Namabasa District of Mbale, Uganda.
3 out of 4 children in Uganda’s rural Nambasa district miss school to work in mines or sell vegetables, and a lack of quality health services put families at constant risk. Our goal is to enrich lives by serving the poorest of the poor, and those that are in great need. We do this by partnering with the local organizations in our community, and around the world, by seeing the needs of the people we meet on our travels, to provide hope, financial aid, education and economic opportunities. Dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities to reach their full potential, by helping tackle the causes of poverty, injustice and lack of education. We do this by supporting teachers and increasing their salary per school year term.
Your sponsorship commitment empowers teachers and parents in both communities to support child growth and development. Improved sanitation systems, access to nutritious food and clean water and youth-friendly health education help children take ownership of their futures.
Enrichlives matches
what a local teachers make
Together, we do double the good.
100% of your donation goes straight to our teachers
Because Enrichlives covers all staff and admin costs